July 19, 2010

Summerstyle Grilled Veggie Platter

So, it turns out when you go back to work, daily blogging and food journaling becomes, um, shall we say near impossible. When I look back on last summer when I was footloose and fancy free, I remember fondly the days spent cooking and snapping pix of my latest creation. Usually while drunk as evidenced by the oft questionable photos. Anyway, I'm back in the rat race and therefore have no time for hours in the kitchen - so it's back to basics, rustic style.

Any moron with a grill can grill veggies. Period. All you need is three things.

1. Veggies
2. Olive Oil
3. Salt

Slice up your veggies in pieces big enough so they don't fall through the grates. I used asparagus, zucchini, eggplant, and peppers. Coat liberally with olive oil. Kosher salt all around. Heat grill to medium heat and chuck on the veggies. Don't go away - the asparagus will grill very quickly. The zucchini will too. Eggplanties and peppers will take longer. I like to allow the veggies to get nice and charred but do as you like. Artfully arrange on a platter and serve. Can be made ahead and served room temperature.